I think I have made up for all the rain I missed over the last 36 days in one morning.  26 miles of bone drenching rain.  I had all my rain gear on and I was still floating in my saddle.  It is hard not to get dejected when water is pelting you in the face.  I stopped in Everton because that was the only place to find shelter for the last 26 miles.  I wallowed in my wet sorrow. I ate what little food I had, the stores where not open when I left this morning (5:15 AM, now that is an early start).  I needed a kick in the butt.

After I stopped feeling sorry for myself I got back on the road and made it to Ash Grove. A convenient store happened to be open early on a Sunday.  I got a sandwich, chips, snack cakes and hot chocolate.  Things started to turn around.  I sure felt better and after a few more miles the rain stopped.  I was able to strip off my rain gear.  The gear just makes you feel sluggish and slow.  Full stomach, gear off and no rain.  I was ready for some Ozark fun!  I included a picture below of one of the many hills out here.  Just take that image and multiply it 100 times.  That is how today and the next couple of days are going to go.  They are not big, but its one after another, after another.  They are actually fun.  Its like a rollercoaster.  The idea is to get max speed on the downhill, and as you climb, your momentum and downshifting will shoot you up the hill.  I will have it mastered by the time I leave Missouri.

I made one more pit stop before my end point.  I was enjoying my afternoon custom of a Snickers ice cream bar and Gatorade chaser.  I could not help but notice somthing parked at the end of a row of cars (see pic below).  Audrey, this will be a fine celebratory gift, for me, for finishing the TransAm.  I am more of a Shelby blue and white kind of guy but any color will do.  Thanks in advance and of course I love you.

I am staying at an RV park in Marshfield, MO

Day 36 – 81 miles

Total 2,828.9 miles